Choosing the right optic is difficult, even after hours of research.
Try the Armasight Jockey 640, before choosing one.
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The Infinite Thermal Demo Team will reach out directly to provide demo locations & times in your state.
Regardless of how many videos you watch, and even if you’re able to hold an optic in your hand in a retail store - it is never the same as looking through it with your own eyes in an realistic setting.
Try optics in real, outdoor settings
Thermal optics in the same price category usually share similar specifications. That said, most people end up using their optic in unique ways, which is why understanding & comparing specific features is extremely valuable in selection process.
Compare desired features
The Infinite Thermal Demo Team is well versed in optics from all manufacturers, in addition to expert knowledge on how to use them in various hunting & scouting scenarios.
Receive expert advice
Over 70% of people who have purchase thermal optics end up with buyers remorse; as they learn more about optics that they wish they had purchased instead. When you are able to try before you buy; you can rest easy in your purchase decision.
Gain confidence in your selection